Freshman Community Weekend

As your son enters a new phase of life as a freshman, it is an important and yet sometimes difficult transition. To ease his transition, to help your son become acclimated to the school, and to make new friends with his classmates, we offer the Freshman Community Weekend. This weekend is one of social, athletics and spiritual activities. Many administrators, faculty, staff come to be a part of it and the freshmen are led by a group of upperclassmen student leaders. It is truly a weekend of the SJR family spirit!
The dates of the weekend are Monday, September 12, 2022 after school until noon on Wednesday, September 14, 2022. The weekend is held at the Marist Brothers’ Center at Esopus, NY, a beautiful 150-acre property on the Hudson River, 70 miles north of SJR.
Please submit your permission slip/payment as soon as possible to confirm your spot on the trip.