
Marist Youth Encounter for Upperclassmen
The Marist Youth Encounters bring upperclassmen students from several Marist high schools together in reflection, prayer, and fellowship. This retreat is particularly aimed for seniors as a very touching and fitting way to end their time in high school, but is open to juniors as well. The experience often leaves students at a loss for words. Truly, the only way to understand the Encounter experience is to attend one.
Class Retreats
All grades attend a retreat every school year. The retreats give all of our students an opportunity to examine their spiritual growth year to year since not all may have an opportunity to attend an overnight retreat.
Attendance is mandatory. The retreat takes place within normal school hours and will finish by regular dismissal time.
Overnight Retreats
Overnight retreats are based on different topics and themes such as servant leadership, diversity, identity, and the lifestyle of Christian manhood. The programs are either one or two nights at the Marist Brothers' Center at Esopus, NY.
Retreat Schedule
Freshman Class Retreat
  • September 23rd to 25th
Senior Class Communion Brunch
  • October 18th & 24th
Junior Class Retreat
  • February 10th, 11th, & 12th