SJR Chorus
Chorus Director: Rick Adams
Meetings: Wednesdays @ 2pm in the Theater
2023 Christmas Chorus Rehearsal Schedule HERE
Saint Joseph Regional offers opportunities to join the school chorus and band for performances at monthly liturgies, concerts, local malls and nursing homes.
Singers gain valuable vocal training experience, and students who play instruments grow through improvisation techniques. Membership in the chorus or band may mark the high note of a young performer’s career.
The SJR Chorus was selected to perform at the Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Mass at the Cathedral Basilica in Newark. In 2014, the Chorus performed with the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland in Carnegie Hall, New York.
Class of 2011 vocalist Taylor Popielarz summarized the group’s spirit when writing for the yearbook: “More important than the potential prizes and recognition, the Saint Joe’s chorus continues to be a group of high school boys and girls who sing and perform because it thrills them each and every time they take the stage.”