Green Knights Attend 3rd Annual Marist Youth Leadership Camp

The 3rd Annual Marist Youth Leadership Camp recently concluded, leaving a trail of inspiration and growth among the young participants. From July 17-22, student representatives from 11 Marist affiliated high schools gathered at the Marist Brothers Center in Esopus, NY, to immerse themselves in an enriching experience aimed at developing their leadership skills and fostering a deeper sense of community.
Among the participants were four students from SJR Class of '25: Joakim Alesna, Alex Amato, Brian Davidson, and Luke Rickli. Accompanied by Rory Finn '19 and Brother John Dunning, the SJR delegation made a significant mark throughout the camp.
The Marist Youth Leadership Camp had three core objectives: empowering future leaders, cultivating leadership skills, and building a united Marist Community. Throughout the week, students engaged in a variety of activities, workshops, and discussions that challenged them to step out of their comfort zones and grow both personally and spiritually. The guidance and presence of Dunning and Finn provided valuable insights and mentorship, enriching the experience for all involved.
The camp was an extraordinary success, leaving a lasting impact on all participants. The knowledge, skills, and connections forged during this week-long gathering will undoubtedly reverberate throughout SJR's Class of '25, inspiring them to become exemplary leaders within their school community and beyond. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Joakim, Alex, Brian, and Luke for their active participation and dedication during the camp and we look forward to carrying the spirit of the Marist Brothers, igniting positive change and embodying the true essence of Marist values in all we do.