ELA & World Language


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Once you click on any one of the following links, you will leave this website. Please note that we are not responsible for any content posted on these websites or the design of these websites.
Library of Congress - The Library of Congress is the nation’s first established cultural institution and the largest library in the world, with millions of items including books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in its collections.
EdSITEment  high-quality material on the Internet in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies.  EDSITEment is a partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Trust for the Humanities
Shmoop - learning resources founded by David Siminoff and his wife Ellen Siminoff was originally conceived to generate a love of learning in kids.
Shakespeare Online - visitors can read every play or poem from the world's most celebrated writer and, more importantly, make some sense of his works with free analysis, Old English language translations, and famous quotes.
Merriam Wesbter - Online Dictionary and Word Tool

English IV and College Credit Podcast Project - VietNam Links and Sources

Digital History Eras, Topics, Resources, References
Fordham University Source Book - America as a World Leader
History Channel - VietNam War
History by Era - GilderLehrman - Institute of American History (sign up for a free account)
World Book VietnamTimeline
User Name:  sjrnjWorld Book Advanced
Password:  knights

Direct in-school link (no user name and password needed)

World Language

Referencia Latina (direct link from SJR at home sjrnj pw knights)
National Geographic South America (sign up for a free account)
National Geographic Inca Empire (sign up for a free account)
Peru - Inca Empire
NOVA - Lost Empire